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- /* Amigamesa.h */
- /*
- * Mesa 3-D graphics library
- * Version: 1.2
- * Copyright (C) 1995 Brian Paul (brianp@ssec.wisc.edu)
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- Implementions of new drawing rutines:
- you implement a own init for your rutines/hardware
- and make some test and calls it from AmigaMesaCreateContext()
- (look in the file src/amigamesa.c I'll thing you get it)
- Be sure to fill this three ponters out:
- void (*InitDD)( void ); // keep track of witch drawing rutines should be used
- void (*Dispose) (struct amigamesa_context *c); // Use this when AmigaMesaDestroyContext is called
- void (*SwapBuffer) (void); // Use this when AmigaMesaSwapBuffers is called
- where InitDD sets the DD structure in orginal mesa with pointers to drawing rutines
- Dispose is called when someone quits/closes down your made inits
- SwapBuffer is called when one is changing buffer in dubble buffering mode
- Write nice drawing rutines like those in src/amigamesa.c on make sure
- that it's those you set in your InitDD rutine.
- Add enum for your drawingmode for the taglist and if you need more tags also implement them
- If posible some autodetection code in AmigaMesaCreateContext
- Add enums and error codes if you neads
- PUT ALL YOUR NEADED DATA IN amigamesa_context->(void *)data in for your gfx driver
- private structure.
- Send the code to me and I will include it in the main code.
- */
- /*
- $Id: Amigamesa.h 1.5 1997/06/25 19:16:45 StefanZ Exp StefanZ $
- $Log: Amigamesa.h $
- * Revision 1.5 1997/06/25 19:16:45 StefanZ
- * *** empty log message ***
- *
- * Revision 1.3 1996/10/06 20:35:11 StefanZ
- * Source bump before Mesa 2.0
- *
- * Revision 1.2 1996/08/14 22:16:31 StefanZ
- * New Api to amigaspecific functions, Added suport for gfx-cards
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1996/06/02 00:15:03 StefanZ
- * Initial revision
- *
- * Revision 1.0 1996/02/21 11:09:45 brianp
- * A copy of amesa.h version 1.4 in a brave atempt to make a amiga interface
- *
- */
- /* Example usage:
- 1. Make a window using Intuition calls
- 2. Call AMesaCreateContext() to make a rendering context and attach it
- to the window made in step 1.
- 3. Call AMesaMakeCurrent() to make the context the active one.
- 4. Make gl* calls to render your graphics.
- 5. When exiting, call AMesaDestroyContext().
- */
- #ifndef AMIGAMESA_H
- #define AMIGAMESA_H
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include "GL/gl.h"
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- #include "../../src/context.h"
- #include "../../src/types.h"
- #else
- #include "//src/context.h"
- #include "//src/types.h"
- #endif
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- /* Drawmode to use */
- #define ADISP_AGA
- struct amigamesa_visual
- {
- GLvisual *gl_visual;
- GLboolean db_flag; /* double buffered? */
- GLboolean rgb_flag; /* RGB mode? */
- GLboolean alpha_flag; /* Alphacolor? */
- GLuint depth; /* bits per pixel (1, 8, 24, etc) */
- };
- struct amigamesa_buffer
- {
- GLframebuffer *gl_buffer; /* The depth, stencil, accum, etc buffers */
- /* your window handle, etc */
- };
- /*
- * This is the Amiga/Mesa context structure. This usually contains
- * info about what window/buffer we're rendering too, the current
- * drawing color, etc.
- */
- /*
- GLboolean db_flag; */ /* double buffered? *//*
- GLboolean rgb_flag; */ /* RGB mode? *//*
- */
- struct amigamesa_context
- {
- GLcontext *gl_ctx; /* the core library context */
- struct amigamesa_visual *visual; /* the visual context */
- struct amigamesa_buffer *buffer; /* the buffer context */
- struct amigamesa_context *share;
- unsigned long flags; /*0x1 = own visuel 0x2 = own buffer */
- void * data; /* Put your special GFX-driver data here */
- unsigned long pixel; /* current color index or RGBA pixel value */
- unsigned long clearpixel; /* pixel for clearing the color buffers */
- /* etc... */
- struct Window *window; /* Not neaded if in dubbelbuff needed */ /* the Intuition window */
- struct RastPort *front_rp; /* front rastport */
- struct RastPort *back_rp; /* back rastport (NULL if SB or RGB) */
- UBYTE* BackArray; /*a pen Array big as drawing area for use in dubelbuff mode*/
- struct RastPort *rp; /* current rastport */
- struct Screen *Screen; /* current screen*/
- struct TmpRas *tmpras; /* tmpras rastport */
- struct RastPort *temprp;
- GLuint depth; /* bits per pixel (1, 8, 24, etc) */
- GLuint width, height; /* drawable area */
- GLint left, bottom; /* offsets due to window border */
- GLint RealWidth,RealHeight; /* the drawingareas real size*/
- GLint FixedWidth,FixedHeight; /* The internal buffer real size speeds up the drawing a bit*/
- unsigned long penconv[256]; /* when allocating index 13 with a color penconv[13] is the acuat system color */
- /* penconv[] is changed if auxSetOneColor(index,r,g,b); is called */
- UBYTE *imageline; /* One Line for WritePixelRow renders */
- GLuint *rgb_buffer; /*back buffer when in RGBA mode OLD DElete?*/
- void (*InitDD)( GLcontext * ); /* keep track of witch drawing rutines should be used */
- void (*Dispose) (struct amigamesa_context *c); /* Use this when AmigaMesaDestroyContext is called */
- void (*SwapBuffer) (struct amigamesa_context *c); /* Use this when AmigaMesaSwapBuffers is called */
- };
- typedef struct amigamesa_context *AmigaMesaContext;
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Some Usefull code *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /*int RGBA(GLubyte r,GLubyte g,GLubyte b,GLubyte a);*/ /* returns an allocated color thts nearest the wanted one */
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Amiga/Mesa API Functions *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- struct amigamesa_visual *AmigaMesaCreateVisualTags(long Tag1, ...);
- struct amigamesa_context *AmigaMesaCreateContextTags(long Tag1, ...);
- void AmigaMesaSetOneColor(struct amigamesa_context *c,int index, float r, float g, float b);
- extern GLenum LastError; /* Last Error generated */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- struct amigamesa_visual *AmigaMesaCreateVisual(register struct TagItem *tagList);
- struct amigamesa_context *AmigaMesaCreateContext(register struct TagItem *tagList );
- void AmigaMesaDestroyContext(register struct amigamesa_context *c );
- void AmigaMesaMakeCurrent(register struct amigamesa_context *c ,register struct amigamesa_buffer *b);
- void AmigaMesaSwapBuffers(register struct amigamesa_context *amesa);
- /* This is on the drawingboard */
- BOOL AmigaMesaSetDefs(register struct TagItem *tagList);
- GLenum AmigaMesaReportError(register struct amigamesa_context *c );
- #else
- __asm __saveds struct amigamesa_visual *AmigaMesaCreateVisual(register __a0 struct TagItem *tagList);
- __asm __saveds struct amigamesa_context *AmigaMesaCreateContext(register __a0 struct TagItem *tagList );
- __asm __saveds void AmigaMesaDestroyContext(register __a0 struct amigamesa_context *c );
- __asm __saveds void AmigaMesaMakeCurrent(register __a0 struct amigamesa_context *c ,register __a1 struct amigamesa_buffer *b);
- __asm __saveds void AmigaMesaSwapBuffers(register __a0 struct amigamesa_context *amesa);
- /* This is on the drawingboard */
- __asm __saveds BOOL AmigaMesaSetDefs(register __a0 struct TagItem *tagList);
- __asm __saveds GLenum AmigaMesaReportError(register __a0 struct amigamesa_context *c );
- #endif
- /*
- * Amiga Mesa Attribute tag ID's. These are used in the ti_Tag field of
- * TagItem arrays passed to AmigaMesaSetDefs() and AmigaMesaCreateContext()
- */
- #define AMA_Dummy (TAG_USER + 32)
- /*
- Offset to use. WARNING AMA_Left, AMA_Bottom Specifies the low left corner
- of the drawing area in deltapixles from the lowest left corner
- typical AMA_Left,window->BorderLeft
- AMA_Bottom,window->BorderBottom + 1
- This is since ALL gl drawing actions is specified with this point as 0,0
- and with y positive uppwards (like in real graphs).
- Untuched (defult) will result in
- AMA_Left=0;
- AMA_Bottom=0;
- */
- #define AMA_Left (AMA_Dummy + 0x0001)
- #define AMA_Bottom (AMA_Dummy + 0x0002)
- /*
- Size in pixels of drawing area if others than the whole rastport.
- All internal drawingbuffers will be in this size
- Untuched (defult) will result in
- AMA_Width =rp->BitMap->BytesPerRow*8;
- AMA_Height=rp->BitMap->Rows;
- */
- #define AMA_Width (AMA_Dummy + 0x0003)
- #define AMA_Height (AMA_Dummy + 0x0004)
- /*
- This may become unneaded, and code to autodetect the gfx-card should be added
- AMA_DrawMode: Specifies the drawing hardware and should be one of
- Defult value: AGA
- if AMESA_AGA Amiga native drawigns
- this has to be filled with data
- AMA_Window = (ptr) Window to draw on
- or
- AMA_Screen =(ptr) Screen to draw on.
- AMA_RastPort =(ptr) RastPort to draw on.
- if AMESA_AGA_C2P Amiga native drawing using a chunky buffer
- thats converted when switching drawbuffer
- only works on doublebuffered drawings.
- this has to be filled with data
- AMA_DoubleBuf = GL_TRUE
- AMA_Window = (ptr) Window to draw on
- or
- AMA_DoubleBuf = GL_TRUE
- AMA_Screen =(ptr) Screen to draw on.
- AMA_RastPort =(ptr) RastPort to draw on.
- else
- here should all needed gfx-card tagitem be specified
- */
- #define AMA_DrawMode (AMA_Dummy + 0x0005)
- #define AMA_Screen (AMA_Dummy + 0x0006)
- #define AMA_Window (AMA_Dummy + 0x0007)
- #define AMA_RastPort (AMA_Dummy + 0x0008)
- /** booleans **/
- /*
- AMA_DoubleBuf: If specified it uses double Buffering (change buffer with
- AmigaMesaSwapBuffers()) Turn this on as much as posible
- it will result in smother looking and faster rendering
- Defult value: GL_FALSE
- AMA_RGBMode: If specified it uses 24bit when drawing (on non 24bit displays it
- it emuletes 24bit)
- Defult value: GL_TRUE
- AMA_AlphaFlag: Alphachanel ?
- Defule value: GL_FALSE
- */
- #define AMA_DoubleBuf (AMA_Dummy + 0x0030)
- #define AMA_RGBMode (AMA_Dummy + 0x0031)
- #define AMA_AlphaFlag (AMA_Dummy + 0x0032)
- /** Special **/
- /*
- AMA_ShareGLContext: Set the "friend" context (use multiple contexts)
- See the GL maual or Mesa to get more info
- AMA_Visual: If you want to implement your own amigamesa_visual
- AMA_Buffer: If you want to implement your own amigamesa_buffer
- AMA_WindowID: A windowID to use when I alloc AMA_Buffer for you if
- you didn't supply one.(defult=1)
- */
- #define AMA_ShareGLContext (AMA_Dummy + 0x0040)
- #define AMA_Visual (AMA_Dummy + 0x0041)
- #define AMA_Buffer (AMA_Dummy + 0x0042)
- #define AMA_WindowID (AMA_Dummy + 0x0043)
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif